What's your name sir? Frank McGuire? MC GUI? He all right?" - "We were westbound on 105 and behind a line of traffic from a large truck going west with a police escort." - "I had everybody slowed down because they had to move the power lines. It was an oversized load and just poking along, basically stopped. Then, this 18-wheeler came behind us and ran over three of us." - "I'm afraid there are two fatalities from it, and my truck was basically destroyed." - "It's a shame that this guy never even slowed down. He just seemed oblivious to what was going on here. Yeah, he had a load of wood on the back. I'm sure it weighed two tons. But it's like he never saw us and didn't know anything about this traffic condition with the oversized load." - "I was in a Ford 250, fortunately a large vehicle. The little lady behind me with a Cadillac and a baby wasn't letting it fortunate. I think she is okay, went to the hospital, but they said she coded. But she's alive. And then the little Mercedes convertible, those people have perished. I think it was behind her because all I saw in the mirror when I looked up was the white cab of this big truck. And that was something I couldn't even move or do anything. No reaction time. This guy was flying. He had to be doing at least the speed limit, 55 or more." - "Just run over everybody, run over everybody, and just continue past us and throw everybody off the road and went into the woods." - "Well, it was probably a thousand yards or so ahead of me. Maybe I mean not just see the top of the wide load where they were stopping and picking up power...
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