Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. Or again DMV written test one question one. 2. If you drink alcohol socially, what helps ensure safe driving? 3. Take a cold shower before driving. 4. Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking. 5. Stop drinking half an hour before driving. 6. Drink coffee before driving. 7. Answer: ride home with a friend who has not been drinking. 8. Question two: this road sign means keep right. 9. Do not enter wrong way. 10. No turn on red. 11. Do not pass. 12. Answer: keep right. 13. Question three: when you hear the siren or see the flashing lights of an emergency vehicle, you must drive to the right side of the road and stop. 14. Slow down until it passes you. 15. Answer: drive to the right side of the road and stop. 16. Question four: this sign means hill ahead. 17. Drugs under 18 thousand pounds allowed. 18. No trucks allowed. 19. Drug stop ahead. 20. Answer: hill ahead. 21. Question five: when you see other drivers around you acting or reacting in anger, distance yourself from the situation. 22. Slow down. 23. Move over or do whatever you can safely. 24. Answer: all of these. 25. Question six: If you stop along the road at night, turn on your emergency flashers and leave your low beams on. 26. Answer: turn on your emergency flashers and leave your low beams on. 27. Question seven: if someone has consumed alcoholic drinks, what will help the person overcome the influence of those drinks? 28. Answer: time. 29. Question eight: this road sign means roundabouts head left. 30. Turn yield on green. 31. Traffic signals are ahead. 32. No passing zone. 33. Answer: traffic signals are ahead. 34. Question nine: you need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because he or she is blind. 35. Answer: he or she is blind. 36. Question ten: if you want...
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Oregon Dmv hours Form: What You Should Know
Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services — Online Use the Online Services section of Oregon.gov to get information on all of your DMV online services. You can search for your address, contact information, Driver History Report — DMV.gov Use this free service (Oregon DMV) to search for Oregon license, learner, or restricted driver licenses, learner permits, driving permits and non-driving vehicle identification numbers (Nine) Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services — Oregon Driver See how your Oregon license, learner / restricted driver, driver or non-driving-vehicle Identification Number (IDN) would apply if you have a certain type of car insurance, or apply for a restricted license. Search Oregon Driver & Motor Vehicle Services — Online Need a non-driving license or a restricted driver license or permit? Visit the Oregon Driver Information System — Online For more information on your Oregon driver license, learner / restricted driver license, driver or non-driving vehicle Identification number (IDN), eligibility for school services or insurance companies, or other DMV services, Visit the Oregon Driver Licensing Driving License (DL) Renewal / Transfer — Oregon.gov Visit this online site to get information about your driving privileges. Some pages have information specific to you, while others are for others. Check each department for important information, get help with your DL renewal, and learn about the different licensing types, reasons for changes to your license or non-driving vehicle/vehicle identification number (IDN) Washington Department of Licensing — WA.gov Visit the Washington Department of Licensing (DL) Renewal or Transfer page to see what's on the cards and learn about renewing your driver license and car insurance in Washington, Oregon or out of state. For details, visit the Washington State Department of Licensing (DL) Renewal page or call the toll-free number at 1-888-4-DLD-WA (). Other DMV services Visit this page to learn about other DMV documents, publications, and services. It is updated every time there is news about a change. You can also access DMV's official Website for a list of current agency programs that are similar to what is on this site.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Oregon Dmv hours